Thursday, 10 January 2013

Comparison between CISC and RISC Architectures

   Complex Instruction Set Computer

v Control unit is designed through software approach

v Micro-program is designed for each instruction

v Each micro-operation is performed by a micro-instruction

v Typically have small set of registers

v More access to memory

v More addressing modes involved

v Instruction execution in multiple T-states

v Introduction of new instruction is comparatively easier

v Error rectification is easier

v Instruction set is large and complex

v Speed slower than RISC counterpart

v Example: All the 80x86 machines prior to Pentium

v Used in Home Desktop, Low-end applications

Reduced Instruction Set Computer

v Control unit is designed through hardware approach

v Micro-circuit is designed for each instruction

v Typically have large set of registers

v Reduced access to memory

v Limited addressing modes involved

v Usually instruction execution in single T-state (clock cycle)

v Makes efficient use of Pipe lining

v Introduction of new instruction is cumbersome

v Error rectification is very difficult

v Instruction set is small and simple

v Speed is faster than CISC counterpart


v Used in speed critical, server, High-end applications.

Architectural Characteristics

Complex Instruction Set Computer
Reduced Instruction Set Computer
Instruction Set Size
Large Set of Instructions
Small Set of Instructions
Instruction Formats
Variable Formats(16-64 bits per Instruction)
Fixed (32 bits) Instructions & mostly register based.
Addressing Modes
Limited to 3-5

General Purpose Registers & Cache Design
8-24 General Purpose Registers,mostly with a unified cache for instructions & data, recent designs also use split caches
Large Numbers(32-192) of General Purpose Registers with mostly split cache & instruction Cache
Clock Rate
33-50 MHz in 1992
50-150 MHz in 1993.
Cycles Per Instruction(CPI)
Between 2 & 15
One cycle for almost all instructions & an average CPI<1.5
CPU Control
Most microcoded using Control Memory(ROM) but modern CISC also use Hardwired Control
Most Hardwired without Control Memory.
INTEL i486,IBM 390

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