Sunday, 17 March 2013

How To make Lists in HTML

HTML Unordered Lists

An unordered list starts with the <ul> tag. Each list item starts with the <li> tag.

The list items are marked with bullets (typically small black circles).


<li> samsung </li>

<li> nokia </li>


How the HTML code above looks in a browser:
  • samsung
  • nokia

HTML Ordered Lists

An ordered list starts with the <ol> tag. Each list item starts with the <li> tag.

The list items are marked with numbers.


<li> samsung </li>

<li> nokia </li>


How the HTML code above looks in a browser:
  1. samsung
  2. nokia

HTML Definition Lists

A definition list is a list of items, with a description of each item.

The <dl> tag defines a definition list.

The <dl> tag is used in conjunction with <dt> (defines the item in the list) and <dd> (describes the item in the list):



<dd> -all samsung are androids</dd>


<dd> -all nokia are windows</dd>


Saturday, 23 February 2013

Progress Bar Working In VB 6.0

How to add progress bar in vb 6.0

1. open vb 6.0
2. right click on tool box and select component 
3. select control in which select microsoft windows common control 6.0(sp6) and press aplly and then ok..

How To Make Progress Bar Working In VB 6.0

coding part:-

     Private Sub MDIForm_Load()
        If Timer1.Enabled = True Then
        ProgressBar1.Value = 1
     End If
     End Sub

     Private Sub Timer1_Timer()
         If      Timer1.Enabled = True Then
             ProgressBar1.Value = ProgressBar1.Value + 1
             ProgressBar1.Min = 0
             ProgressBar1.Max = 500
             ProgressBar1.Value = 0
        While Not ProgressBar1.Value = 500
              For I = 0 To 500
              '(Do nothing, but wait)
              '( To show up the progress bar proceeding)
          Next I
              ' (Update the progress bar and percent label accordingly)
              ProgressBar1.Value = ProgressBar1.Value + 1
              lblper.Caption = Int(ProgressBar1.Value * 100 / ProgressBar1.Max)
         If ProgressBar1.Value = 500 Then
            Timer1.Enabled = False
End If
End If
End Sub


Wednesday, 13 February 2013

Computer Ports


At the back of the computer is a port or socket that allows you to plug in external devices. It is used to let data and instructions flow between the computer and the device, the ports are made in various ways to accommodate the various devices.\

  • The keyboard port connects to the keyboard.
  • The mouse port connects to a mouse.
  • The game port connects to a joystick.
  • The monitor port connects to the monitor.


    Serial Ports:-

    Serial ports are known as a male connector, a serial port (RS-232 C port) has either 9 or 25 pins. A mouse, modem, scanner or a printer connects to this type of port. It sends one bit of data, or one-eighth of a character through the cable at a time. It contains one data line and various control lines. Its range of data reliability is at about 20 feet or more.It has a lot farther data range than a parallel cable. The cable has either 9 or 25 holes that plug into the back of the computer. Each serial port has a separate label. The first serial port is labeled COM 1,the second is labeled COM 2, etc. An example of a device that would use this port would be a modem which requires two way data transmission, or a mouse which needs one way data transmission.

    Parellel Ports:-

      Parellel ports are known as a female connector, the parallel port has 25 holes. The data transmission is fairly fast. It connects a printer or a tape drive. The parallel port is either built into the main board or built into an expansion card on a microcomputer. The cable that connects two parallel ports contains 25 wires. Eight wires carry data and the other wires carry controls. Faster than a serial port, it sends 8 bits of data at a time, or one character through the cable.Because of so many data lines, signals tend to get mixed and interference of the signals can be a problem. Its maximum range of data reliability is limited to 20 feet. The cable has 25 pins that plug into the back of the computer. Each parallel port has a separate label. The first parallel port is labeled LPT 1,the second is labeled LPT 2, etc.

    SCSI Ports:-

           The SCSI port (small computer system interface) allows for a connection of one or more external devices. You can connect up to seven devices by way of a chain, or by plugging one device into another device. Scanners and zip drives are examples of the type of devices that would use this type of connection.

          Midi Ports:-

    The MIDI port (musical instrument digital interface) is a special serial port that connects the computer to musical instruments and music synthesizers. Rock musicians and professional music artists use the Midi port to connect keyboards and instruments to the computer inorder to record, edit, and play back music.

Saturday, 26 January 2013

Multiplexer & De-Multiplexer

Multiplexer  is  a  circuit which transmits a large number of info signals (which are inputs)  over a small number of info signals (that are output).

An electronic multiplexer makes it possible for several signals to share one device or resource. A multiplexer is often used with a complementary De-multiplexer on the receiving end.

Example :-



De-Multiplexer  is  a  circuit which transmits a large number of info signals (which are output)  over a small number of info signals (that are input).

De-multiplexers are sometimes convenient for designing general purpose logic, because if the de-multiplexer's input is always true, the demultiplexer acts as a decoder. This means that any function of the selection bits can be constructed by logically OR-ing the correct set of outputs.

Example :-



Network interface cards

A network card, network adapter, or NIC (network interface card) is a piece of computer hardware designed to allow computers to physically access a networking medium. It provides a low-level addressing system through the use of MAC addresses.
Each Ethernet network interface has a unique MAC address which is usually stored in a small memory device on the card, allowing any device to connect to the network without creating an address conflict. Ethernet MAC addresses are composed of six octets. Uniqueness is maintained by the IEEE, which manages the Ethernet address space by assigning 3-octet prefixes to equipment manufacturers.Each manufacturer is then obliged to both use only their assigned prefix(es) and to uniquely set the 3-octet suffix of every Ethernet interface they produce.

Network Bridge

A network bridge connects multiple Network segment at the data link layer (layer 2) of the OSI model. Bridges broadcast to all ports except the port on which the broadcast was received. However, bridges do not promiscuously copy traffic to all ports, as hubs do, but learn which MAC addresses are reachable through specific ports. Once the bridge associates a port and an address, it will send traffic for that address to that port only.
Bridges learn the association of ports and addresses by examining the source address of frames that it sees on various ports. Once a frame arrives through a port, its source address is stored and the bridge assumes that MAC address is associated with that port. The first time that a previously unknown destination address is seen, the bridge will forward the frame to all ports other than the one on which the frame arrived.
Bridges come in three basic types:
  • Local bridges: Directly connect LANs
  • Remote bridges: Can be used to create a wide area network (WAN) link between LANs. Remote bridges, where the connecting link is slower than the end networks, largely have been replaced with routers.
  • Wireless bridges: Can be used to join LANs or connect remote stations to LANs.

Wednesday, 23 January 2013

steps to install the windows 8

1. Set the boot priority from the bios setup by pressing F12 key when you start your PC.
2. Save the changes and restart the PC
3. after restarting your pc a message will appear that " press any key for boot " then press any key the installation is getting started for windows 8.

step by step screen shots of installing windows 8

          Getting started

 To Enter Language And Other Preferences

  Begin With Installation

Enter a Valid Activation Key

End User License Agreement

 Windows Setup

 Where To Install

warning:- if you will not format the drive in which you installing the window the files of old installed windows are saved in windows.old folder 

Installing Windows

After these steps window will restart and getting desktop ready for your first use

After restarting:-

Configuring Windows

Here is your desktop of windows 8 enjoy and have fun

Thursday, 10 January 2013

computer graphics program to make front view of pacman game

program to make front view of pacman game

void main()
   int gd=DETECT,gm;
   initgraph(&gd,&gm," ");
   /* for boundry lines  */
   /* for centre rectangle and three smileys */
   /* for centre to right side portion */
   /* for centre to left side position */
   /* for text */
    outtextxy(290,400," PACMAN ");
    outtextxy(40,50," GAME ");
    outtextxy(35,60," SCORE ");
    outtextxy(570,50," HIGH ");
    outtextxy(565,60," SCORE ");
   /* for pacman */
   /* for dots vertical */
   for(int j=40;j<=375;j=j+25)
   /* for dots horizontal */
   for(int k=115;k<=290;k=k+25)


Booting & it's types

What is Booting

The process of switching “ON” the computer is referred  to as the  “Booting”.
It is also known as “ Start up”  i.e to wake a computer up, and make it ready for further Action.
Three System Files are Loaded into Memory(RAM)

Types of Booting

Cold Booting(Switch Booting): When the PC is switched on from the ON/OFF switch button on the cabinet is known as Switch Booting.
It loads the Boot able DOS program from the ROM to the memory.
Hot Booting(Resetting): Also known as Warm Booting . It is faster than Cold Booting. If computer hangs for some reason it may be necessary to reset it.
The computer restarts and the booting of this type is known as Hot Booting
It can be done using “RESET Button” or by pressing “Ctrl+Alt+Del

Comparison between CISC and RISC Architectures

   Complex Instruction Set Computer

v Control unit is designed through software approach

v Micro-program is designed for each instruction

v Each micro-operation is performed by a micro-instruction

v Typically have small set of registers

v More access to memory

v More addressing modes involved

v Instruction execution in multiple T-states

v Introduction of new instruction is comparatively easier

v Error rectification is easier

v Instruction set is large and complex

v Speed slower than RISC counterpart

v Example: All the 80x86 machines prior to Pentium

v Used in Home Desktop, Low-end applications

Reduced Instruction Set Computer

v Control unit is designed through hardware approach

v Micro-circuit is designed for each instruction

v Typically have large set of registers

v Reduced access to memory

v Limited addressing modes involved

v Usually instruction execution in single T-state (clock cycle)

v Makes efficient use of Pipe lining

v Introduction of new instruction is cumbersome

v Error rectification is very difficult

v Instruction set is small and simple

v Speed is faster than CISC counterpart


v Used in speed critical, server, High-end applications.

Architectural Characteristics

Complex Instruction Set Computer
Reduced Instruction Set Computer
Instruction Set Size
Large Set of Instructions
Small Set of Instructions
Instruction Formats
Variable Formats(16-64 bits per Instruction)
Fixed (32 bits) Instructions & mostly register based.
Addressing Modes
Limited to 3-5

General Purpose Registers & Cache Design
8-24 General Purpose Registers,mostly with a unified cache for instructions & data, recent designs also use split caches
Large Numbers(32-192) of General Purpose Registers with mostly split cache & instruction Cache
Clock Rate
33-50 MHz in 1992
50-150 MHz in 1993.
Cycles Per Instruction(CPI)
Between 2 & 15
One cycle for almost all instructions & an average CPI<1.5
CPU Control
Most microcoded using Control Memory(ROM) but modern CISC also use Hardwired Control
Most Hardwired without Control Memory.
INTEL i486,IBM 390

Sunday, 6 January 2013

how to install turbo c and c++ in windows 7 & 8 both version 32-bit as well as 64-bit

1.Download turbo c or turbo c++ and also dos-box latest version 0.73
2.Extract turbo c or turbo c++ copy your turbo c or turbo c++ folder in your system drive i.e c:\
3.Install the dos-box 0.73
4.After installing the dos-box open it's edit configuration file from start menu
  at the end of the edit configuration page where it is written that:-

# Lines in this section will be run at startup.

"After that lines"
"Write these lines"
mount c c:\
cd tc

"After writting these lines save that file"
5. now click on the dos-box it will automatically open the turbo c or c++

 Run the c or c++ files in turbo c or c++ by mouse itself
    enjoy doing your work

how to install visual basic 6.0 in windows 8 pro

How to install vb6.0 in windows 8pro

       1.Open or extract the visual basic.rar or .iso file

2.Open key.txt file and copy the key for visual basic 6.0

3.Click on the setup .exe file for extracting the files   (it takes 2 to 5 mins depending upon the system configuration)

      4. After extracting all the files a window open click on yes to install.

 5.   Now a new window open called program compatibility assistant
Click on run the program without getting help

      6. Now installation wizard open click on the next button.

 7. Now EULA(end user license agreement) open click on I accept the agreement radio button and click on the next button.

 8.  New window open it will ask you for product number and user ID after entering product number from key.txt enter your e-mail and organization name and click on next

 9.Another window open that will ask you for setup option.
a.      Select custom (recommended for new user)
b.      Select products ( for experience user to change path of the installation)
c.       Server applicant for window server editions.
             After selecting setup option click on the next button

10. The the window which open it will allow you to change the path of installation.
you want to change the installation path click on the browse button and select the path.
Default path for installation is automatically generated as:- C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\Common
After setting the path click on the next button

11.Now again window open called program compatibility assistant
         Click on run the program without getting help

12.An window open and showing message to you as:-“ starting visual studio 6.0 setup please wait”

13.Now setup will open in full screen mode ask you option as continue or exit setup click on the continue button a new window open click on ok.

14.  After pressing ok button it will show you the message that “setup is searching for installed components”
 15.New window open click on no button.

   16. After pressing no button it will again show you the message that “setup is searching for installed components”

17.  A new window open call custom setting click on select all and then click on continue.

18.  Then tick the registry option and click ok

19.  Again a new window open click on the yes button to only use vb 6.0 no button to use vb 6.0 and 5.0 also.

20.  A message shown to you that “ setup is checking for necessary disk space
21.  Last time extracting happen

22.  After that a window open click on ok now enjoy your visual basic 6.0 and it’s another components.